Absolutely, Launcher is safe and extremely small, which won’t harm your computer or take too much space on your disk. Note that, this application requires users to download and install a component called Launcher that can make the downloading process more stable and faster. Otherwise, you will not be able to grab and download the video. So make sure to check on the protocol of the video you wish to download and ensure that it is supported by the application. Videos on Facebook are streamed using different protocols. This is available for free, though it supports only limited to URLs with http and https protocols.

As long as you are connected to the Internet, you can go to and paste the URL of the video you wish to download. This is an online tool that you can use for downloading videos from Facebook. Here are some of the applications that you can try. However, you can find a Facebook to mp3 converter that will let you do so. But this is not supported by Facebook due to copyright protections. You may find some videos that you may want to download and convert to mp3. Several users share their personal music videos, as well as their favorite videos from different sites. Once you have your account, you can complete your profile, add friends, create and join groups, follow pages, play games, chat, send private message and post links, photos, music, as well as videos. You need to sign up for a free account in order to use the site. Facebook is the most popular online social networking site with over one billion active users all over the world.