This cheat adds 150 to your current amount of DNA. Type the name of a command into the search box below to instantly search our database of 28 Spore cheats. Each cheat code has its own individual help page, which can be visited by clicking on a command's name in the below list - on these pages you can detailed help and working examples specific to that command. You can switch between different views by clicking the "Table View" and "Card View" buttons (some users find different layouts easier to use). Commands that give you the Joker Badge and disable achievements are indicated with the Joker Badge sign. Some of the cheat codes in the below table will give you the Joker Badge - this disables achievements for your current game. How to Open and Use the Spore Console Spore Blog If you need help opening or using the cheat console, click the button below to visit our complete guide: You can open the console in Spore by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + C (at the same time) on your keyboard. These cheats are for all stages, including the Tribal Stage, the Space Stage, the Creature Stage, and the Civilization Stage.

Below is Commands.gg's complete list of Spore cheat codes and console commands, from the latest version of the game on PC and Mac (Steam and Origin).